Porsche x Hololens

Porsche Cars North America is using augmented reality via HoloLens to give their technicians x-ray vision into their cars. Telling this story meant integrating VFX into an on-the-fly documentary shoot to give a view into how Microsoft's tech worked in real time.

Effectively showcasing AR required a hybrid approach - capturing POV through the Hololens itself, then compositing the same 3D models into the wide shots. To minimize disruption of Porsche's normal flow of business, all this had to be executed quickly with a small travel crew.

Pulling off this shoot required extensive coordination between Porsche Global, Porsche Cars of North America, an independent Porsche dealer, as well as Microsoft's HoloLens and Customer Evidence teams.

Our production team traveled to Porsche NA's headquarters in Atlanta, GA and a flagship dealer in Las Vegas, NV.